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37 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to ask a Question you already know and answer it

After reading this question: Ought one to answer one's own question? what happens in the case that you know several questions that will further help the community but you want to make the question ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What are the limits for answer and question lengths?

What are the limits to which answers and questions can be pushed ? I've written quite lengthy answers in the past which seem to be quite complete, but lets pretend there's a question which requires ...
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it bad practice to ask for an improved answer by asking a new question?

How to set folder icons of multiple folders automatically? In the question above I asked for a little improvement to the answer on an existing question: How to set the first picture of every folder ...
Sumeet Deshmukh's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Should I edit a Question once the Answer has been accepted?

My answer to this question was accepted. However I don't believe the question itself will be useful to others in its current state. Is it appropriate to edit a question to be more meaningful to others ...
stephenmyall's user avatar
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1 answer

Why nobody answers my latest questions?

It's obviously that my latest questions received low views, no votes and nobody answered. I use to mark the correct answers, so if you find good answers for these questions, post them. Here you ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar