Questions tagged [answers]

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1 vote
0 answers

I figured out the answer to my question, should I remove it or post it. [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is it appropriate to Ask question and provide an Answer to topic which is not mentioned? I just posted a question and a little while after posting I found out the answer. ...
7 votes
3 answers

Answers based on Ubuntu wiki

Quite often there are questions to which there is an answer on What is the preferred approach to answer such a question? Should one answer the question based on the content of ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why am I not getting email notification to new answers to my question?

I have checked "Notify" check box with my email id in my question but I don't get any notification even though I get answers to that question. Why is it so? Is there problem in "AskUbuntu"'s part?
6 votes
2 answers

Should I ask for additional information in comments, or start an answer and ask questions there?

I noticed on another QA post here that someone mentioned that as a rule of thumb they keep comments short, and anything longer than short goes in an answer. A few times, I've asked for more ...
2 votes
2 answers

Is it appropriate to Ask question and provide an Answer to topic which is not mentioned?

Hi, My question is about when somebody have a solution (e.g., specific problem which affect a couple of people), but nobody ask for different reasons. This question is similar as Should we seed the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Should redirections to other questions / answers be comments or answers ?

A part of the answer to this question is, in my opinion, answering another "new" question. I wanted to redirect the person asking the "new" question to the existing answer and posted it as an answer. ...

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