Linked Questions

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Protect EOL questions (or at least this question)

I've read some ilustratives questions about why questions should be protected and why "not" they should be protected, and after all of that I should say that at very least: protect EOL questions, from ...
Braiam's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Are people getting "rep shy"? || About "commentswers"

I keep bumping into questions with perfectly good answers that are not marked as accepted or can't even be marked nor voted because they're in comments. Even if you politely ask the "commentswerer" to ...
JorgeArtware's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

What makes a question too broadly scoped for askubuntu?

My concept of 'too broad a scope' up until recently pretty much amounted to "How do I setup Ubuntu server and then, and then, and then...." My understanding is that such a question should actually be ...
Mark Paskal's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Does receiving no reputation for good comments pollute the Answer?

As you get no reputation for good comments it makes more sense to add your comment as a answer so you might get some reputation. I have seen that done quite often. Answers given that should really be ...
Meer Borg's user avatar
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What to do about answers that offer suggestions without emphasizing that the answer is merely a suggestion?

I have seen suggestions proffered as answers. My concern in when such "answers" don't emphasize, or even hint, that the suggestion is just that and not based on the answerer actually having tried out ...
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77 votes
11 answers

What prewritten Pro-forma (aka AutoReviewComments) userscript comments can we use and share?

I'd like to gather a list of boilerplate comments (AKA canned responses) for Ask Ubuntu which can be used in combination with the awesome Pro-forma comments userscript. Post suggestions too, you are ...

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