I want to get list of users filtered according to their TOTAL reputations.

For Example: (this is only example can be filtered by any quota which looks standard top list)

  1. n1 users >= 20k reputations
  2. n2 users >= 10k reputations
  3. n3 users >= 5k reputations
  4. n3 users >= 1k reputations
  5. n3 users >= 500 reputations
  6. n3 users >= 100 reputations
  7. n3 users >= 20 reputations
  8. n4 users < 20 reputations

Where n1, n2 ,..... are number of users

  • 2
    Not sure if this enough, but SE stats.
    – Dan
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 7:23

1 Answer 1


We can see Stack Exchange Leagues for askubuntu here.

It also shows ranks with-respect-to All-time Reputations. top users from stack-exchange

Table of users with total reputation is also there:

table of number of users w.r.t total reputations

@Dan suggested.

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