I know that the bounty is there to make your question more relevant or popular, yes. And this is ALWAYS given, even if the question is not answered, i know. BUT if the question is not off topic and well written, I mean answereable in a normal way...why isn't the bounty refunded than? I just found that out by not getting my bounty back, I don't care about reputation but still I am questioning myself why.
edit after answer
So for me bounty is not the right name for whatever we give away here. Bounty means to me that you give something as a reward only when you get something else (answer) for it. Example...teacher asks: when did columbus discover america? who answers get 100 dollars.
no answer, teacher pays 100 to no one ;)
anyway now it's clear for me, the nobody is a rich guy, but he is not living on our planet.