Possible Duplicate:
Are there any plans for localized Ask Ubuntu instances?
I am native speaking german. Would be great to have this site in my language. What should I do?
Possible Duplicate:
Are there any plans for localized Ask Ubuntu instances?
I am native speaking german. Would be great to have this site in my language. What should I do?
The results of the UDS session will help answer your question. (Short story: yes, the SO team is aware of our needs for multi-language support)
Ubuntu has a reputation for promoting diversity through its Non-English support. Due to it, people around the world can use Ubuntu in their native language or choosing one of the several different languages. We also have the efforts of LoCo Teams, promoting and coordinating the community around the world.
Both (Non-English support and LoCo Teams) are reasons for Ask Ubuntu to support another idioms questions.