Yesterday a question about Ask Ubuntu was asked (by a user with more than 300 rep) on the main site. It was eventually migrated, but the tag the OP created (bounty) is still around.
Can a moderator please kill this tag?
Yesterday a question about Ask Ubuntu was asked (by a user with more than 300 rep) on the main site. It was eventually migrated, but the tag the OP created (bounty) is still around.
Can a moderator please kill this tag?
I've deleted the old question, so the tag should just naturally die. I know this has been mentioned a few times before, but for clarity (and posterity) moderators can't just kill tags. That's something we need to ask the Stack Exchange team to do for us, if a bad tag gets out of hand. Otherwise a tag with no questions will eventually die off. So long as it doesn't become an abused tag it'll just disappear.