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Change the software icon

In regards to The package installation problem. it's become clear we would like to add a custom launching icon that can be used to open the apt.ubuntu.com URL - allowing packages to be easily installed and obscurifying any command-line or complicated package installation options to more novice users.

Please submit one example Icon per rely including a 16x16 icon (and 24x24 icon if possible) also any SVG of the image and source of the image would be desired.


7 Answers 7


The existing Software Center icons are already used to convey that you install stuff from it, so I think we should use those:

alt text

alt text


I personally prefer the standard "package with arrow pointing down icon." I think it is much more relevant to the action that the user will be doing. The software center icon conveys the idea of a place where many different things can be found, while this icon shows that you will be downloading a package



These are from Humanity (/usr/share/icons/Humanity/apps/16/system-software-installer.svg). Although, I actually like the ones with the orange arrow in this answer better. I'm just not sure where they come from.

  • 1
    The orange icons were actually modified from /usr/share/icons/Humanity/apps/16/update-manager.svg the icon for which was originally suggested by Oli in chat. I modified the arrow to make them more "download" suggested. Commented Oct 8, 2010 at 22:51

Stolen from this answer to a similar question, these icons are similar to the new Ubuntu Software Center icon used in 11.10:


These are modified from the update-manager icon in the Humanity Theme.



I've uploaded the SVG here

  • @WarriorIng64 Fixed. Commented Nov 13, 2011 at 18:51

There's also the Software Centre logo (as opposed to icon)

16px: 16px Version of Software Centre Logo and 24px: 24px Version of Software Centre Logo

SVG version (GPL license according to Wikimedia Commons)

Probably not preferable to the icons specially created to look good at a small size, but it is more colourful and interesting...


From the Tango Desktop Project:



SVG can be obtained from the Tango Desktop Project

(In Ubuntu this icon used to be used in the menu entry for Add/Remove Applications before the Software Centre was created)


I believe the Ubiquity install Icon is one that's recognizable as an "Installation" of something:



From /usr/share/icons/Humanity/apps/24/ubiquity.svg

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