We use the dollar sign link for code and the " for quotes right, Why am I seeing code formated as quotes? One example is this answer https://askubuntu.com/posts/146792/revisions
I have heard that some don't like how it looks, But it looks that way on purpose, It's mono-space so we can tell where the spaces are, and the font so we can tell the difference between certain letters and numbers
Code/Formated/as/quote oO0 1 IL il /\| some example of characters with code formated /sda/bin/abcde/bcda/bin.bin quote and it wraps around even when you don't have a break in text makes it confusing.
Code/Formated/as/code oO0 1 IL il /\| some example of characters with code formated as code and scrolls
And maintains the lines and you can see spaces clearly.
What is the proper way to format code?