Consider the following opening words to a question:
- "I'm using HFS..." (red flag)
- "I'm running Ubuntu in a VM on Mac..." (red flag)
- "My Mac won't boot Ubuntu..." (red flag)
- "Bootcamp..." (red flag)
- etc...
At which point does the question fail to meet the criteria for staying on Ask Ubuntu?
Edit: Moving a comment into the question because I feel it's useful:
Comment on jrg's response:
I completely understand your response. I'm looking for a metric on when it should be considered off-topic. Like most of your answer is completely valid for VMs, but I think there needs to be a further discussion of exactly when a Mac issue become a VM issue
The one I gave the check is b/c I most agreed with this-
'Is the problem directly related to the Ubuntu OS? Does an answer require tweaking in Ubuntu only?' See my answer below if you want my opinion.