I am surprised nobody has asked this, but I'll go ahead and start the flame war.
Why do you like this site more than the Ubuntu Forums?
To me, it seems like unnecessary fragmentation of the Ubuntu support community. The Ubuntu Forums provide everything from a large established community, large body of existing questions that new users are referred to, very well moderated (from what I've noticed), and questions usually get answered.
This community on the other hand is new, undefined, and would seem like a mess to follow. On that last part, one of the things I like about the Ubuntu forums is the categorization. If I only wanted to help on begginer topics, I could go to the beginners forum (really helpful since my skill level with debugging linux isn't that much). If I was more advanved and wanted to help people string together a custom DE based on Compiz, Gnome-panels, a taskbar, and nautilus, I could follow more advanced forums like Desktop Environments or other similar advanced forums. From the outside it looks like in the future its going to be a mess of super advanced questions that nobody see's (and therefor doesn't get answered), and tons of basic "Where's the browser?" type questions. And as seen on MSO, difficulty rating systems aren't all that liked.
I just don't see any advantage over the Ubuntu Forums. However, considering that this site in Area 51 grew faster than most other sites, some people apparently like it. My question is why? What are the deficiencies of the Ubuntu Forums? What draws you here? And lastly, has the creation of this site stopped you from going to the Ubuntu Forums?
I'm curious to how this plays out.