I would like to suggest more consistent methods may help us with some of our questioners seeking help.
Nearly always, we need more info, so I have created a little boilerplate I trot out when folks haven't included hardware info, i.e.:
Please help us help you by doing
sudo dmidecode -s baseboard-product-name && sudo dmidecode -s baseboard-manufacturer && sudo lshw | grep product | head -n1 && lshw | grep -v "loop" && lsb_release -a
and paste the result into your question after clicking [edit].Please do not click on Add Comment as new comments can shove old comments off screen; your information about your PC and the Ubuntu installation should all go in the Question so we can all see your findings.
One public-spirited responder queried why, to which I offered the post http://askubuntu.com/questions/1157538/ as one example where comments get pushed off screen when they pile up. I have seen many OPs overlook comments hidden behind "Click Here", and want to encourage being more parsimonious in Comments, especially when OPs should be responding by editing their questions to give us the needed info.
In addition, a standardized request for hardware and software info is something I would like to encourage; the constant on-off, bespoke, boutique responses of folks trying to help consumes much time and energy, and I want to lead from the front in encouraging us to think about how we might better serve our OPs either a methodical and consistent approach (but, then, I was raised a Methodist).