Note that the question tar Errror during scala installation has a typo error in the title "Errror" instead of "error" and a few typo errors in the commands. Clearly the asker can't spell as the title shows. This was completely ignored by the five reviewers who closed the question who gave the close reason as follows:
"This describes a problem that can't be reproduced, that seemingly went away on its own or was only relevant to a very specific period of time. It's off-topic as it's unlikely to help future readers."
The real question is not found in the multiple non-reproducible typo errors but in the rest of the question because it's clearly a complicated, multi-dimensional question, including:
How to get Scala installed by the method described in the question.
Whether the method described in the question is an appropriate method to use.
How to set SCALA_HOME and add it to the PATH.
These three topics are all the things necessary to achieve the objective of installing Scala in Ubuntu. Nonetheless the reviewers who closed this question could not get beyond the inconsequential typo errors. Obviously the asker can't spell and the question was downvoted three times because of it, but why is it necessary to discard the content too because of spelling and typo errors? A large number of of questions posted at Ask Ubuntu have numerous spelling and typo errors, but they are not closed for being about "a problem that can't be reproduced" because reviewers have the ability to see beyond the spelling and typo errors into the content of the question.
Please see beyond the spelling and typo errors into the content of this question. I am asking for help to reopen this question.