Just a reminder: "easy" questions are not to be downvoted. I know that as it stands this is just a claim about "easy" questions currently being downvoted, but I think (and I'm pretty sure) I've noticed a tendency to downvote those, also when well explained and potentially useful.
"Easy" questions are not to be downvoted as per how "easy" they could be as that's nothing about their usefulness;
Edit: this is a good example of what I'm talking about: executable running without sudo but not with sudo.
Indeed for someone this might look like a pretty trivial question, but I think is not really that trivial, expecially for someone without experience; the question itself was well explained and the related duplicate couldn't have been found easily without knowing what to search for; in my opinion it didn't deserve a downvote.
Edit 2: the downvote has been casted after OP refused to acknowledge that the related duplicate could have solved its problem, so waiting to find a better example (or to debunk my own conviction if I don't find any).