This one is only for users high enough on the food chain to be able to see deleted posts!
The title says it all and I'm asking specifically for the deleted answer on this post.
Most animals (humans included) learn from their mistakes. IMHO, there is now nothing to be learned by this user as his post was deleted and he/she (probably) doesn't know/understand the reasons.
Most users coming to the StackExchange network, don't really know or appreciate what it's all about. (Hey, I thought StackExchange was part of the ExpertsExchange Network in the beginning and that's why I lurked around for months before finally subscribing and gave this pesky website my OpenID )
So? What's the verdict? Delete the pesky comments and undelete the post???
Oh, and feel free to call me names and insult me: I'm a dinosaur: I'm old so I have a very thick skin (as not to feel the daggers in my back), a very broad back (I can carry tons of work) and especially: I've got a very small brain! (Don't t h i n k t o o m u c h!
). And people like me are nearly extinct as well! :D
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to convert some negative estimated post to zero estimated comment ... this the way, @Seth! ))