I have been referred here by @jokerdino.
I started this thread about my problems with getting my laptop to sleep. The thread was closed after a few days. Initially the reason provided was problems with the development branch of Ubuntu. The thread is concerning 13.10 so I was confused about that; as best I can tell 13.10 is the current stable branch.
The second reason provided is that this is a bug. If that's the case, that's very useful information. A simple response of "this is a bug for reason X Y and Z and cannot be addressed by you the user at this time" would have been really good information (and I would have accepted it as the correct answer).
Closing the thread doens't seem to do any good, and is very frustrating for me as a user. Maybe @jokerdino thinks it's a bug, but user John_smith has discovered that if you change line 55 of whatever.config the problem goes away.
You can read the full history of the discussion at the thread.
I would like to talk to the people who closed the thread to get clarification. If I am misunderstanding something I am wide open to being educated. If the problem I'm facing is a bug, I would like to read a little bit about why and accept that as an answer. (This will help me, the two users who have bookmarked the thread, and anyone else who comes across it via google), not have the thread be shut down like I did something wrong (and without giving me any clear answer).
Finally, if we don't know for certain that it's a bug, the thread really ought to be re-opened so maybe I and the other users facing this problem can get some help.