I will shamelesly copy the same argument of derobet in ULderobet in UL:
Questions can indeed be about (as Gilles mentions) deleting something. But that's not about "deleting" because they're all different. "Deleting" means very different things across different somethings.
Take some examples, from the current list of things tagged delete:
- Deleting files/ directories.
- Preventing deleting of files/directories.
- Un-deleting files.
- Deleting email messages from an IMAP server.
- Delete empty comments with sed
I submit that:
The expert in deleting files is someone who is an expert in file management. We have a tag that fully covers that already. files. You could conceivably have an expert in file-deletion. Preventing those files from being deleted is probably similar, but also adds in experts in backups, Samba (if applicable), and also even UX and training.
The expert in un-deleting files is the expert in data-recovery. Or backups, but OP probably didn't have any.
The expert in deleting mail is the imap expert, or maybe the dovecot expert, etc.
The expert in deleting comments with sed is the sed expert.
None of these people are the delete expert. The expertise in one doesn't carry over to the other; a person could know a ton about IMAP, but be a novice at Unix file management (huge IMAP servers often do not use file storage directly or at all; they use other data stores) or recovering deleted files.
I take it as a given that when you go through the effort of retagging a question, you ought to make an effort to fix all tag problems, not just remove the one tag you're looking at.
And here applies the same. Who can be an expert of removing or deleting? You can be expert in something, a tool, method, that causes the destruction of something, but you can't be an expert on deleting or removing, unless you are a cleaner or hitman. In those cases, yeah, you are one!
BTW, delete has only 1 follower.