In my original post, "Associate PlayOnLinux to Microsoft Office on Ubuntu 14.04," I presented an Ubuntu problem that I was having. I received a reply from Mitch which included an attempt at a solution. I replied to Mitch that my problem still continued. He replied with additional information which eventually solved my problem. I then responded to him with a thank you for his efforts and for helping me with the problem.
Shortly after that I saw a post from Kevin which read: "Please don't add "thank you" as an answer. Once you have sufficient reputation, you will be able to vote up questions and answers that you found helpful." and that my post was deleted for saying thank you.
First of all Kevin, I decide for myself when and to whom I say thank you for help that they have shown me. Second, I made a post here to ask for help with Ubuntu (as is stated within the site name, not to win any points for "reputation" and "voting up." So if you would, please restore any of my posts that you (or the team) deleted (and yes, I use the word "please" also).
Why not let this site concentrate on what it's name states, to ask Ubuntu questions, and drop the silly striving for King of the Castle with the "reputation" and "voting up" points. If a person answers a question with what he perceives to be a good answer, I see no reason why he should be promoted or demoted with points, and I see no reason why I cannot say thank you to him for his efforts. We all have different levels of knowledge, and some of us need more help than others. I happen to be one of those that needs more.
Thank you for reading this post.