##Do we all like commercials...
Do we all like commercials...
Rhetorical maybe - if you took a straw poll, the answer will almost always be no.
We as a community need to understand that at the end-of-the-day, Stack Exchange is a business - not a charity. What Stack Exchange strives for is to spread the knowledge. It does this - by quite a large margin - through web-search results.
Thus to my point. The identified questions are massive "earners" in terms of page-views. They are Stack Exchange bread and butter. Attracting users through their thirst for knowledge ... hitting their favourite search engine hard to find answers.
To delete the questions just to be "pure" because they do not fit today's thoughts and practices will dent the commercial nature of the site - to drive traffic here.
We have already expressed our thoughts and dislikes through closure of the questions. This though doesn't stop us maintaining the answers.
Once we - as a collective - have decided that the answers have fallen into such disrepute to be not salvageable, then its fair to say - "bye bye" and to delete them.
These high value questions that have been identified do not fit that criteria.
Lets keep them - mould them - clean them up. Lets make sure the answers there are useful as possible.