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###When should I post a comment and when should I post an answer?

When should I post a comment and when should I post an answer?

###When should I post a comment and when should I post an answer?

When should I post a comment and when should I post an answer?

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This is a table scrapped from MSO about what to do with answer:

How can I foo the bar in X?
I'm trying to foo the bar using qux. However, I get an error message <error>. What am I doing incorrectly?

###When should I post a comment and when should I post an answer?

If your response is:     then it should be: Corrective action    Flag as NaA

 1 Can you post your     comment on the     If you wrote an          Yes
   code?                  question           answer, delete it 
                                             and leave a comment 
                                             instead. If you 
                                             don't have 50 rep,
                                             please wait until 
                                             you do.

 2 Have you fooed the baz?     "                    "                Yes

 3 What version of X are       "                    "                Yes
   you using?                 

 4 I've had the same           "                    "                Yes
   problem since 
   version X.1

 5 You missed a comma,         "            Flag question as         No
   which is causing                          "Too Localized,
   the error                                 Fix my Typo."

 6 This was discussed in       "            Vote to close as         Yes
   this question and answer                  duplicate.
   [internal link]
 7 The accepted answer   comment on the     Write a better answer    No
   is incorrect or no     answer             of your own or notify 
   longer accurate.                          the answerer.
 8 You cannot do that    an answer          Link to documentation    No
   in X because it                           if possible.
   doesn't support Y.

 9 This is what you're        "                    "                 No
   doing incorrectly. 
   [Explain]. Here's how it
   should be done [code]

10 Try this: [code]           "             Improve the answer.      No
                                             Explain why you think 
                                             that's the solution.  
                                             If it's a code only 
                                             answer, use comments to explain.
11 This is the problem:       "             If it's an external      No
   [Explain]. In a                           link, it helps to 
   related answer/blog                       document the key points 
   post, I/they discuss                      here so that the crux 
   blah [link] which might                   of the post is available 
   be of interest                            even if the link goes down. 
                                             Do it yourself or leave 
                                             a comment for the OP.
12 See here:            be heavily          The answer must be       Depends
   [external link]       improved           improved as described 
                                            above, else it will be deleted. 
                                            Downvote if link is tangential to
                                            the question. Write a new answer 
                                            with details and then flag as 
                                            Not an Answer. 
                                            Also flag if the link is broken.

13 I've tried these     a new question      If you have +75 rep,     Yes
   solutions and it                          consider placing a bounty
   doesn't work on                           to seek a better answer.
   [operating system].                       If not (or if it's
   How should I modify the                   different enough), 
   solution to make it work?                 ask a new question.
14 Thanks man,          deleted              Glad it worked, but     Yes
    this worked!!1!                           seriously, just 
                                              upvote it if you have 
                                              the reputation.
15 Sir, I am having a   deleted with         Do not encourage these   Yes
   similar project       extreme              users to ask new questions - 
   this is due           prejudice            they're most likely 
   tomorrow. Can you                          going to be closed.
   please send me the code 
   for your project at [email]