Each piece of hardware is generally very specific and the chance of someone else being able to help is ever so slim, such questions could be closed as "too localised". The official description for closing questions like this is:
This question would only be relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet.
Despite that Ubuntu on Thinkpad Edge 11Ubuntu on Thinkpad Edge 11 does appear to be managing to be (to some extent) productive - but I would agree with DoR that there is already the Wiki, various hardware databases and the forums - these aren't really Questions and hence don't belong on Ask Ubuntu.
I don't think Ask Ubuntu is the right place for a "hardware database", there are other Ubuntu community resources that already seek to do this, and can do so just as well, if not in a better way, than we can here.