In the fashion of the discussion on meta.SO about unanswered questions on Stack OverflowIn the fashion of the discussion on meta.SO about unanswered questions on Stack Overflow
But this workflow is horribly broken and more often than not, that's exactly what is not happening. Questions lie around on the site for months together without enough information to answer them. And OP will not be active either. Maybe we should start to put them "on hold" first and then reopen them when they have enough details. This workflow should work better since the system now automatically adds recently closed and edited questions in the reopen queue.system now automatically adds recently closed and edited questions in the reopen queue.
Downvoting incomplete questions so they fall to the bottom
This probably would help on multiple folds.
- Bad questions will be eventually auto-deleted from databaseBad questions will be eventually auto-deleted from database
- Good questions would be better sorted from junks making it easier for answerers to focus on them
- Improves the overall quality of content on the site