I have seen this question:
What to do when an answer is just a (very good) request for information?
and this one
How to handle Comments as Answers
But I am now reviewing posts and I few times I have seen people asking for more information as an answer.
Where the poster has sufficient reputation to comment I flag the question for deletion. However in a few of these cases I believe that the poster is genuinely trying to help and that the only reason they are not posting the request as a comment is that they don't yet have sufficient reputation.
What should I do in these circumstances?
Should I flag the post for deletion or leave it alone on the basis that the requested information may help lead to an answer?
Should I flag the post for deletion but also add a comment to the question requesting the information? I have done this in the past where I have known what to do with the requested information once its supplied but if the question is about some part of Linux that I have little experience with or some program I don't use I am reluctant to do that because I will then get notified when there is a response and not the person who requested the information and may know be able to make use of the response.
Should I skip the review instead of approving it or rejecting it? This is what I have chosen each time this has happened so far.
Finally: Is there an argument that that the reputation required to comment should be reduced?