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The FAQFAQ indicates that "issues with the next version of Ubuntu" aren't on topic. Should or should not a similar policy be adopted towards questions about pre-release and test kernels?

For example, 12.10 currently has 3.5.0-25-generic but this questionthis question is (partly) about "How to install kernel 3.8 from source on Ubuntu 12.10?"

The FAQ indicates that "issues with the next version of Ubuntu" aren't on topic. Should or should not a similar policy be adopted towards questions about pre-release and test kernels?

For example, 12.10 currently has 3.5.0-25-generic but this question is (partly) about "How to install kernel 3.8 from source on Ubuntu 12.10?"

The FAQ indicates that "issues with the next version of Ubuntu" aren't on topic. Should or should not a similar policy be adopted towards questions about pre-release and test kernels?

For example, 12.10 currently has 3.5.0-25-generic but this question is (partly) about "How to install kernel 3.8 from source on Ubuntu 12.10?"

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How should questions involving pre-release or test kernel versions be regarded?

The FAQ indicates that "issues with the next version of Ubuntu" aren't on topic. Should or should not a similar policy be adopted towards questions about pre-release and test kernels?

For example, 12.10 currently has 3.5.0-25-generic but this question is (partly) about "How to install kernel 3.8 from source on Ubuntu 12.10?"