I actually don't think there is any conflict here with Canonical's intentions and AskUbuntu'sAsk Ubuntu's policies about development releases.
We viewed using AskUbuntuAsk Ubuntu to answer questions about our 12.10 based release, which is conceptually the same as a different flavor of 12.10, as our released image is a relatively static snapshot of an image in time. We had hoped to answer the most common usage questions or issues that users might run into for that image, just like the rest of AskUbuntuAsk Ubuntu.
For the current 13.04 development cycle, we are encouraging people to use Launchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7) where we handle bugs in the normal fashion. Once the rest of 13.04 development gets up to full speed, we envision having daily developer builds just like the rest of Ubuntu, and again for those, we'd expect Launchpad to be the appropriate forum to report bugs.
That being said, I do recognize there will be questions that fall into a grey area of what future plans around how an Ubuntu mobile OS might behave. I don't have a clear answer for how we should handle those types of questions, since this is clearly a brave new world for all of us. I would certainly welcome this community's wisdom on how these questions should be handled.
I do agree that Canonical should have communicated better with the AskUbuntuAsk Ubuntu community, and for that I apologize.