I was telling Jorge Castro in comments above, but I'll make it an answer instead:
I think you should organize a worldwide meetup.
##Why a Meetup
Why a Meetup
This is a mature, active community with users all over the world. Many of you are already member of Ubuntu and Linux user groups. Meeting up with equally passionate Ubuntu users is part and parcel of the Ubuntu community at large. Why not make it a part of the Ask Ubuntu community here?
To get this even going, we'd need a handful of things:
- Users willing to lead the meetups. This site, especially, is incredibly scattered geographically. It's posed a challenge with respect to shipping prizes for your contests in the past. So, we'd need to do a decentralized meetup -- maybe a main event in Washington D.C. / New York, and meetups in London, Berlin, Toronto, and other cities around the world. We could coordinate a time that we could call the Ubuntu hour (make it a pun and have it be the "time" of the latest release) and have people gather at some local bar/park/library/restaurant/pavillion.
Meetup leaders would be responsible for picking a location and providing us with an address where to ship swag (SWAG!) such as t-shirts and mugs for you to hand out / raffle off at the event. - Meetup.com Site and other social media tie-ins. We could organize the event on Meetup.com, and use it to track attendees. We should also include a Foursquare event for people to check into, as well as promotions from various social media sources -- Official Ubuntu twitter/facebook/G+/tumblr would be great, for example! Canonical talking about it would be fun.
- Follow-up artifacts. This is stuff like a blog post, a photo gallery, things that we can point to later on to say, "Hey we did this that one time and it was awesome."
##Let's Make It Happen!
Let's Make It Happen!
I think this would be much more fun than a contest -- which just happened on the site six months ago -- and could be something really unique and special for this community. Based on your chat and meta activity alone, it strikes me that many of the users here consider each other friends. I think that's wonderful, and I know from experience that extending friendships into analog space can be really rewarding and memorable. :)