I just got the "notable question" badge for Let Xorg listen on TCP, but only to localhost?Let Xorg listen on TCP, but only to localhost?. This means the question got 2500 views ... It is my first notable-question badge at all on the SE network, actually. (I only got another "popular question" (1000 views) on Stack Overflow.)
2500 views, but it got no vote at all, and the three answers got only 5 votes (summed).
(This is not meant as a complain that I get too few upvotes, for my questions but a general analysis of the voting vs. viewing behavior. Since I posed this question here, the linked question got some more votes, thanks.)
Is this a good sign, since questions get found in search machines and viewed by the general public (which can't/won't vote), or a bad sign as it reflects almost no voting activity by the Ask Ubuntu users?
I looked up some other questions which got this badge recentlysome other questions which got this badge recently, and while they usually don't have zero votes, there are some with 1 or 3 votes, most was 7 votes.
Is there a discrepancy between voting and "popularity"?