I have seen the community 2012 moderator opened and I was thinking that maybe I would run for office.. I mean moderator but like anybody that is scared to jump into something bigger than himself I ask, by experience of already existing moderators and any other moderators from other sites, what should a moderator have as experience and what should a new moderator expect from the site when gaining moderator election. What activities should a moderator do on a daily/weekly basis.
By asking this I am trying to relax anybody that might want to go for the gold... I mean position.
I am guessing there is a minimum amount of points to have and a way of answering and helping people in the community. But additionally what other experience stuff should humble not deity humans like us know and be ready for.
I have already passed the 7 tests of fire, brought back the princess 21 $%!"#! times from the same castle, killed too many dragons, found the triforce 2 million times and helped the old neighbor lady put out the trash (while ;) at her daughter obviously).
What more should we do or know before going for this position in the community (and Cry havoc and let slip the Chihuahuas of poker war)
Thank you ^^