I have seen a lot of questions where people do not bother to spell check or capitalize their I's, and leave beginnings of sentences uncapitalized. I have senseen posts that use texting abbreviations, etc. Sometimes I would like to downvote the question/answer because the person should do a better job making their work look presentable.
However, if I downvote the question or answer and then correct the grammar and capitalization, then the question is lower in the list. However, I still want to somehow get across to the person to use better grammar, etc. when posting their questions and answers.
So, I am torn. Does anyone have any suggestions? This is a problem that needs to be addressed, when people click on links to StackExchange websites from Google and look at poorly written questions and answers, they might assume a low trust level)for lack of a better word) of the website. We want to make the site look good too. So, that can done to encourage well-written content?