100 % Agree with the ban, Specially for Ask Ubuntu.
Here are some points I came up with against allowing ChatGPT answers:
- ChatGPT is not "Sentient" , it was trained on answers from forums like these.
- It was trained on outdated information before 2021.
- Inaccurate answers will cause more harm specially in these forums as we are dealing with operating systems.
- It is very overconfident spitting out wrong answers.
- It wont be able to help with/fix issues arising from suggested solution.
- "The model would not ask clarifying questions when the user provided an ambiguous query. Instead, our current models usually guess what the user intended" - https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
On the other hand.
There are 78,466 questions with no answers.
The community feels to be getting weaker with every passing day.
People often get discouragediscouraged from trying out new distributions / switching to linuxLinux witnessing poor community support. I see new questions everyday made by new members who leave after getting none to little help.
I would suggest if a new user posts a relatively "simple/harmless" question that remains unanswered for a week there should be some automated response referring them to external resources such that people dontdon't abandon the project altogether.