Since new users don't have the privilege to comment anywhere except on their own questions, answers to their questions, and their own answers, suggesting that the system considers it important to allow them to comment there, I don't agree with advising people not to use the Add Comment button. While it's true that many of the requests we make in comments on a question are best responded to by an edit, I suggest instead couching them in a phrase that actually requests an edit, like
Please [edit] your question and add the output of
. When you do that, please copy the text from the terminal and format it as code.
Even if you have to make that request more than once, or if the OP misses it and posts the entire output of sudo apt update
in 6 unreadable commentscomments*, it is better than incorrectly informing them that they should not comment at all.
There are certainly occasions when a comment from the OP may be more appropriate than an edit, especially if the comments are not very helpful...
Have you tried toggling the blabbler widget? - user A
@userA Actually I'm not trying to blabble, what I want is to worble, as mentioned - OP
*PS, when stuff like that actually happens, I suggest flagging the post for mod attention asking for the comments to be fixed, because mods can access the markdown of comments including their original line breaks, and delete the comments after pasting the output into the question with proper formatting, saving everyone considerable frustration.