I think that topic should remain open and should be answered if there is a program to fake a ratio.
It might be considered un-ethical but besides it not being illegal in any country a method to create a fake ratio should be considered a bug in the torrent program/protocol. And it is not the Ubuntu way to keep a bug to yourself.
Making it open to all that there is a method allows for the torrent program creators to also create counter measurements (even if it is just blocking that version of a torrent program).
Please don't be concerned if you receive downvotes – members of the community may simply disagree with your bug, feature request, support issue, or the nature of the discussion." ... so the downvotes I am not concerned about: the upvotes will always outweigh the downvotes.
... so the downvotes I am not concerned about: the upvotes will always outweigh the downvotes.