To make it a bit more clear where I see the advantage let me add a (very) primitive example. Its a section from an answer about a bind9 config.
a) This is the status quo today.
The reverse zones file changes to:
; BIND reverse data file for 172.20.x.x
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA nefitari.autun.hom. webuser.autun.hom. (
2017022102 ; more intuitive serial YYYYMMDDss, here ss=02
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
; note: the '@'was missing from in the initial description
@ IN NS nefitari.autun.hom.
100.0 IN PTR nefitari.autun.hom.
121.0 IN PTR client1.autun.hom.
130.0 IN PTR client2.autun.hom.
33.0 IN PTR client3.autun.hom.
Here follows the text section with an explanation of the above...
The explanation may use different ways to discuss the code as described in Zannas answer.
b) With the proposed presentation it would look like this.
The reverse zones file changes to:
[hide comments]
_______________________________________________ ________________________
|; | | |
|; BIND reverse data file for 172.20.x.x | | |
|; | | |
|$TTL 604800 | | |
|@ IN SOA nefitari.autun.hom. w| | |
| 2017022102 ; more intuit| |always change that lin|
| 604800 ; Refresh | | |
| 86400 ; Retry | | |
| 2419200 ; Expire | | |
| 604800 ) ; Negative Ca| | |
| | | |
|; note: the '@'was missing from in the initia| | |
|@ IN NS nefitari.autun.hom. | |here is the change,...|
| | |..when its really long|
| | |it could add newlines |
|100.0 IN PTR nefitari.autun.hom. | | |
|121.0 IN PTR client1.autun.hom. | | |
|130.0 IN PTR client2.autun.hom. | | |
|33.0 IN PTR client3.autun.hom. | | |
|_____________________________________________| |______________________|
There is a button [show comments] as default. After pressing this the button the single code textbox is split into two textboxes. The right side shows only lines with a special tag, e.g. {{comment|here is the change}}
The ASCII graphics should show the shaded text boxes and the button.
In this example a new user has the benefit to see the whole config file (not only a fraction which may more more confusing than helpful) an immediately spot the relevant sections.
A few words or a 'see 1)
' could link to a comment in the text. With all that the code still is "unpolluted" from this comments. One could think of those comments as 'Meta' comments only to explain an answer but not intended to end up in the code/config.
When you have this option and its easy to use, I think people would use it. Also I think its quite intuitive to understand, even for new forum users. Obviously the smaller the screen is the more difficult are multiple windows. But I find that I often do not care about the details of long code lines where today i see scoll bars quite often, but I look at the in-code comments to understand what the whole thing does before going into details. I would find this easier to do with that separated box, especially on a tablet or laptop.
With more effort, one could tag changes to users like in the comments, but I would feel this is a bit more challenging to keep the look&feel clean and easy.
Its fine if nobody likes it, but hopefully at least we are on the same page :-)