Here's my stab at an improved version of the moderator-editable part of the FAQ (between “What kind of questions can I ask here?” and “Please look around …”). I don't follow AU very closely so I hope I haven't misreported any policy. Feel free to edit this answer to improve on this text.
Ask Ubuntu is a questions and answers site for Ubuntu-related questions. It's also a place to share knowledge about Ubuntu.
Please follow the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, Ubuntu Leadership Code of Conduct, and this FAQ when participating in this community.
Video tutorials about how to use the site are available.
Please note that:
- This site is about Ubuntu, including official Ubuntu derivatives. For questions about Linux Mint and other Linux distributions, try our friends at Unix & Linux Stack ExchangeUnix & Linux Stack Exchange instead.
- If you are running Ubuntu, third-party applications and development are on-topic here.
- If you've found a flaw (a “bug”) in Ubuntu, report your bug on the bug tracker.
- If you have a problem with the next unreleased version of Ubuntu, don't ask about it here; instead follow these instructions to analyze and report it.
If you have a question about the site that is not answered in this FAQ, check our community-maintained FAQ, and more generally our meta-discussion site.
(alternate version of the on/off-topic list arranged into two separate lists, like most SE sites)
We welcome questions about:
- using and administering Ubuntu, including official Ubuntu derivatives;
- running third-party applications on Ubuntu;
- development on Ubuntu.
This is not the right place for:
- Linux Mint and other Linux distributions (try our friends at Unix & Linux Stack ExchangeUnix & Linux Stack Exchange);
- bug reports (report your bug on the bug tracker);
- problems with the next unreleased version of Ubuntu (follow these instructions to analyze and report it).