#What’s###What’s this post about?
We are a group of people who are doing some cleanup work. Currently, we are using an SEDE Query that finds unanswered1 questions with answers by the OP. From a cleanup perspective, these are low"low hanging fruitfruit", since there is a better than average degree of certainty that the answer effectively answers the question. If the answers are good, we can upvote them so that the question is recordedrecognised as answered by the system. Otherwise, we can take whatever action is appropriate to deal with the questionsquestion.
Important - if you want to get involved, please visit us in the Downboat, before going to Trello and taking any actions. You can always ping me @Zanna with questions - I am around. We really want to know if anyone is doing anything on the board, or with the query directly, so we can keep track and check it.
#Future###Future plans