I've had an idea of simplifying the overwhelming interface of AskUbuntu by correcting any overload on the users.
If you want an example I can make some images, but first someone has to be at least interested.
Specifically "share edit delete flag" could be a little menu.
For the general users :
Your input is most valuable and I'm not trying to convince anyone. Is just some questions.
Are we discussing me or you?
Neither, we are discussing AskUbuntu.
I don't actually mind you having an allergic reaction but do say it's an allergic reaction. And a down-vote without any comments is just considered as that by me. This question has not gotten any rational input.
Do you believe is possible to improve anything in AskUbuntu ?
If not then say so before just starting hot lines on the answers or comments.
By which conditions do you think improvements can/can't be made ?
If you just think that everything is possible and it should be possible then say so then we all know that you have faith in a possibility or lack of it.
Happy Llamas!!