I think I made a mistake.
I've always seen questions about Wubi being closed as off-topic because of it being discontinued, and since that itself made sense I endorsed the same practice.
However reading this post I understand I overlooked an important point, which is that Wubi is still an option for some supported releases (specifically 12.04.x and 14.04.x).
So I removed my close vote and my comment on that question.
I think that as long as 12.04.x and 14.04.x are not EOL we should provide support for Wubi on 12.04.x and 14.04.x (unless on UEFI or on Windows 8+ with an incompatible bootloader), as it is still a vaild method to install those releases.
After all if Ubiquity would be discontinued today we would still support installing supported releases which rely on it.