Related. This suggestion has been added as an answer.
On Ask Ubuntu, this is what our code looks like compared to our quote style:
Code here is obviously code.
But quotes look almost the same.
Okay, so there is some difference - font and width of block.
But on (This is meta SE) they are obviously different:
Could we have it that our quote block is less similar to the code block? My suggestion wouldn't be a new colour, but that you have a dark grey line at the edge:
The dark grey is (2,0,196) in HSL, or c4c4c4ff in RGB
I took the line colouring from the yelow one - it goes from (33,255,241) to (35,255,199), a change of (2,0,-42) so I did the same with the grey, from (0,0,238) to (2,0,196). These are all HSL colour numbers.