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I answered this on Meta Stack Exchange at Potential to abuse Imgur?Potential to abuse Imgur?. The short answer is, we don't currently auto-delete, but because we could start doing that at any time, and given that you can get the identical image hosting with a free Imgur account where you would stay in control instead of us, the potential for abuse is low because it just wouldn't make a lot of sense to do it.

I answered this on Meta Stack Exchange at Potential to abuse Imgur?. The short answer is, we don't currently auto-delete, but because we could start doing that at any time, and given that you can get the identical image hosting with a free Imgur account where you would stay in control instead of us, the potential for abuse is low because it just wouldn't make a lot of sense to do it.

I answered this on Meta Stack Exchange at Potential to abuse Imgur?. The short answer is, we don't currently auto-delete, but because we could start doing that at any time, and given that you can get the identical image hosting with a free Imgur account where you would stay in control instead of us, the potential for abuse is low because it just wouldn't make a lot of sense to do it.

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I answered this on Meta Stack Exchange at Potential to abuse Imgur?. The short answer is, we don't currently auto-delete, but because we could start doing that at any time, and given that you can get the identical image hosting with a free Imgur account where you would stay in control instead of us, the potential for abuse is low because it just wouldn't make a lot of sense to do it.