On several SE sites, my accept rate is below 90%. The reason isn't that I just neglect to accept the answer that solved the problem, but rather that no answer was really helpful. My concern is that people will skip answering my question because the low rate would indicate they won't get any rep from me - which isn't true.
Rarely, I will just delete the question altogether if the issue is no longer relevant (improving the general SE signal/noise ratio). But most of the time, I'm still looking for a solution by the time SE drops by accept rate.
I don't have a lot of rep in the first place so it would be relatively expensive for me to offer bounties, but obviously that is one way to attract new answers. However, I'm concerned that the bounties will not go to a working solution for me but simply to any answer. That would be a waste of my hard-earned rep...
Besides offering (wasting?) a bounty; revising the question to make it current/complete/short/interesting;asking for attention in chat -- what can I do?